The Great Canon of St Andrew sung at Primatial Cathedral of St Nicholas - 03/10/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 During the first week of Great Lent, the Great Canon of Repentance of St Andrew of Crete was sung by His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and by the clergy and laity of the Primatial Cathedral of St Nicholas in Washington, DC. More information about St Andrew of Crete may be found here.
His Beatitude featured in Washington Post article - 03/17/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35
His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH was profiled for a Washington Post Magazine article. "They appeared at the edge of the crowd on the Mall, a group of men seemingly out of a distant century. Their heads were crowned with klobuks, the distinctive headgear of Orthodox clergy. Sporting black cassocks and untrimmed gray beards, with golden icons dangling from their necks on long chains, these visitors stood out among the crowd clad in jeans and winter coats. The man in their center carried a bejeweled walking stick. [...]" That article, "Metropolitan Jonah Goes to Washington", can be found here.
His Beatitude leads retreat on "Prayer of Silence" - 03/19/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 On Saturday March 19, 2011, His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH led a retreat on the "Prayer of Silence" at the Primatial Cathedral of St Nicholas. The event was the First Annual Bishop Basil Rodzianko Memorial Retreat, and was hosted by the Holy Archangels Foundation. Joining the St Nicholas Cathedral clergy and faithful for the retreat were Archpriest Gregory Safchuk, Archdiocesan Chancellor and Rector of St Mark's Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD; Archpriest Michael Koblosh of All Saints of North America Mission in Alexandria, VA; and Priest David Arnold of St Cyprian of Carthage Mission in Richmond, VA. Numerous faithful from Richmond, the District, and throughout the Archdiocese enjoyed an afternoon of introduction to the practice of stillness, detachment, and an active awareness of the presence of God. A full transcript and video recordings of the event will be made available as they are prepared.
For photos of the event, please visit the gallery on the Archdiocesan Facebook page. 00003
Sunday of the Holy Cross celebrated at St Nicholas Cathedral - 03/29/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 On Saturday, March 26, 2011, His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH celebrated the All-Night Vigil at St Nicholas Cathedral. The following morning, on Sunday, March 27, the Sunday of Great Lent dedicated to the Holy Cross, His Beatitude celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Primatial Cathedral of St Nicholas in Washington, DC. For more photos of the event, please see the Archdiocesan Facebook page here
Scholarship News - 06/22/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 The Presbytera Athena Kalpaxis Memorial Fund awards aid to students at the undergraduate and graduate level who are in need of financial assistance. To qualify, a student must be a baptized Orthodox Christian and a participating communicant of an Orthodox Church in the state of Maryland. Selection will be based upon academic record, church service, stated purpose for pursuing higher education and financial need. Awards levels vary based on need. Application packets are available from Mat. Diane Pelesh at dpelesh@hcpss.org or by writing to the Presbytera Athena Kalpaxis Memorial Education Fund, c/o PO Box 18294, Baltimore, MD 21227. There is no deadline. 00005 ![]()
Archpastoral Letter Regarding Marriage - 07/28/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 On July 28, 2011, His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah issued an Archpastoral Letter Regarding Marriage to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Washington. 00006
Naming of Annapolis Mission - 09/20/11
Category: Recent Events Last updated: 2017-05-12 15:47:35 On November 8, the Feast of St Michael and All the Archangels, the Annapolis Mission will officially be given the name of St Michael and All the Archangels This will be marked by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, Fr. Robert, and the faithful of the mission serving Great Vespers there on Nov 7 and Divine Liturgy on Nov 8. You are invited to come and celebrate this wonderful occasion if you can. | ![]() |