Mission and Purpose
The Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors (DDB), was established in 2015 by motion of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C., to identify, bring awareness to, and support - spiritually, physically, and financially - those activities, projects and ministries of substantial and significant need within our Archdiocese. Our Mission is made possible through funding received by the charitable support of our Benefactors, while our purpose is inspired by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and His Four Pillars for the Fulfillment of the Apostolic Work of the Church.
Our Vision
Is to expand our Orthodox witness in the Greater Washington D.C. area, both within and beyond our existing parishes and missions, and beyond what is possible under the limited Archdiocesan operational budget. We have established three distinct funding categories, two which support permanently declared programs (longer-term), while a third General Fund offers support for shorter-term special initiatives and unexpected needs.

The Work of Your Hands ... Helping us, to Help Others
Since 2015, through the generous support of our Benefactors, the DDB has touched many within and outside the Archdiocese of Washington D.C., with financial gifts totalling over $122,000 (as of SEP2024). These funding opportunties are met with joy and illuminate us to what is important for our Benefactors historically and potentially, into the future. It is from this giving experience, our Programs are born and to which our Benefactors continue to provide their funding gifts.
DDB Gifting History by Descending Order:
- Clergy Emergency (#3 events) - $40,521
- Alaskan Outreach Initiative - $28,150
- Parish Emergency Support (#3 events) - $15,850
- Youth Ministry (#3 events) - $10,510
- Vocations - Diaconate Support (#7 events) - $7,000
- Vocations - Seminarian Scholarships (#2 events) - $5,000
We give thanks for the continued support of our generous Benefacfors, and parishes !
If your are new to the DDB, please consider becoming a Benefactor today by making your donation to the DDB !

Provides financial assistance to clergy and parishes when unforeseen emergency situations occur. For example, in three separate parishes, we have provided $40,000 to cover uninsured clergy medical expenses, with medical treatments often lasting beyond a year. We have also provided to parishes emergency assistance totaling some $16,000 to successfully tide them over during a budget crisis beyond their then current capability of addressing. Our funding goal for this account is to maintain a minimum running balance of $15,000.
The Mitred Archpriest Michael Koblosh VOCATIONS Fund
Will assist individuals in their training for church related vocatons ranging from clergy to altar servers, choir direction, school coordinators or leadership roles. In the past we have provided $5,000 in scholarship for two of our seminarians, $7,000 in fees for seven diaconal candidates, and have provided several practicum workshops for deacons, deacons-in-training and altar servers. In the future, we hope to build up a fund to encourage and support seminarians from our Archdiocese and to fund creative ways (such as educational loan forgiveness program) for prospective clergy coming to our Archdiocese. We seek to maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.
Will provide support for initiatives and short-term needs as brought to our attention. Examples of ongoing projects, include Youth Programs (over 20+ summer camp scholarships), Archdiocesan Music Program (Liturgical or fund raising choir events), and new initiatives or special needs as identified by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon. Our minimum level account balance will be $15,000.

For request related to Clergy or Parish assistance, that may require privacy, please contact His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon directly. All other requests may be directed to Gregory Honshul (Chairperson). Email contact information is provided in the Adminstration dropdown accessed from the homepage menu.

Donations to the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. 's Diocesan Benefactor Fund may be made via check or through our secured online portal. To make a donation via check, please make your check payable to the "Archdiocese of Washington / DDB Fund" and mail to this address: Archdiocese of Washington D.C. -OCA To make a secured online donation with your credit, debit card, or your Paypal account, please click "Donate" below or use the form on the right to setup a recurring online donation. You are welcome to indicate a designated use for your gift by noting your fund choice on the comment line of your check, or for online donations, by selecting from the Category drop down list. All Benefactors will receive an end-of-year financial statement for your tax filing preparation, verifying receipt of your tax-deductible gift(s), the gift amount and noted designation.
Thank you for your gift, and may the Lord bless your generosity! One-time Donation
Recurring Donations

- DDB Governance Charter VSEP2024
- Printable Brochure
- Financial Assistance Application (Word | PDF)

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon
Chancellor, Temporarily Vacant
Dcn James Magruder, Secretary
Lisa Mikhalevsky, Treasurer for DDB
Gregory Honshul, Chairperson
Please contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have!
Thank you.
Michael Mihailov - St Mark
Thomas Jenkins, St Mark
Andrew Podolak, St Catherine
Gregory Honshul, Holy Trinity
SubDn. Conor Tweedell, St Matthew
Dn. Igor Panyutin, St Nicholas
Dn. James Magruder, St Andrew
Dn. Stefan Glomazic, St Luke
Dn. Matthew Prentice, St John the Theologian Mission
Dn. Alexander Woodill, All-Saints